Your Park
In it's essence, Goal Park is for the community. We need everyone's help, input, and suggestions to inform the vision and make it a reality. Submit your ideas, suggestions, and feedback on the master plan page.
The Goal
Our goal is that Goal Park at the Columbia Tap Trail becomes a destination and unifying linear park for residents, activity enthusiasts, and our community at large.
Our idea isn't new, its been done successfully in New York with the Highline and Atlanta with the Beltline. But we aim to do it bigger and better, because we are Houston.
The Process
Goal Park Foundation has engaged Bowman, a renowned architectural firm with a team of handpicked landscape architects to translate the community wishes and input into an inspiring design. The possibilities are exciting, especially because the World Cup is coming to Houston in 2026.
Your Team
Goal Park Foundation is a non-profit organization working for the community to enhance seven blocks on the Columbia Tap Trail into a thriving, innovative, natural, athletic, and cultural park (“Goal Park”). The park will start at Emancipation Avenue (opposite Shell Energy Stadium) and end at the Rail Line at McKinney Street